Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The tapestry of creation....

The tapestry of creation explodes into my senses, as I see its vibrancy - woven and crafted together.

It unfolds in my vision - alive and almost ethereal, as my mind comprehends inexplicable artistry.

My spirit stirs as I feel connected to my Creator God - I glimpse a taste of heaven as I am lost in wonderment.

My mind reaching beyond itself to grasp how this can be.

Can it be that my Lord, who created all this can be within me?

I am His creation also. I am a tapestry, woven and crafted. Every detail of me - unique and special.

How is it that in the vastness of the earth each person is unique and special? Every detail known, every difference incomparable?

How is it that each fingerprint, to its minutest detail, displays patterns of beauty, of love, of singular perfection, that God knows intimately?

He knows me, He created me - every part of me. How can this be?

It is unfathomable. It is incomprehensible, limitless and boundless.

I see the magnitude of the mountains, the expanse of the seas. The immensity of the universe, then the minuteness of a baby, of a bird, of an insect.

The detail of all life is thrust into my senses at every turn. At every breath, at every heartbeat.

Christ then further opens that door to life in fullness and connects me to Creator God. I see Him at each turn. He restores my spirit, my soul, my body, and I am made perfect in Christ as I glimpse life in all it's symmetry, in all its beauty, in all its majesty.

God of all creation loves me, and I bow down and give Him all praise and glory. How awesome is the Lord my God.

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